PEDDY POT | 屋代 弘之 (Yashiro Hiroyuki) 


Born in Tokyo in 1991. Representative of CROSS OVER and Managing Director of CROSS OVER MANAGEMENT LTD (Hong Kong), producer of CROSS POINT Alternative Art Space (Malaysia). Graphic designer and graphic artist. Graduated from the Design Department of Nihon University College of Art and withdrew from the Fashion Textile Department of Bunka Fashion College.


In 2014, inspired by his experience during a business visit to Taiwan, he quit his job upon returning to Japan.

The following year, he had the opportunity to hear from local residents in Singapore and Indonesia and traveled there, as well as participated in a study tour in Cambodia to explore new possibilities despite his lack of experience.

He also increased his opportunities to interact with the local art scene by showing his own collection of graphic art works to gallery officials in various Asian countries, gaining confidence and expanding his activities.


In 2016, despite having only a few exhibition experiences in Japan, he exhibited his works at Art Square Taipei, the largest art fair in Taiwan, and also exhibited his works at the Busan International Design Festival in South Korea and Myanmar.


He realized the importance of not being trapped by narrow perspectives and values in his immediate surroundings, and that there are people in other countries and regions who are interested. From this experience, he felt the need for an organization that could connect Japanese artists with exhibition venues overseas, leading to the establishment of CROSS OVER in 2017.


Currently, works by over 800 CROSS OVER artists are exhibited in eight or more countries.

These exhibitions are not only limited to small or medium-sized overseas exhibitions, but also include international art fairs and media coverage. The scale of activities is expanding each year, which helps to bridge Japanese artists and overseas exhibitions on a daily basis.


---Main Exhibition---

2019/11/28-12/1 / "Art Fair East" In UK.

2018/12/20-23 / "Art Square Taipei 2018" in Taiwan.

2018/11/13-15 / "Panchi Sayargyi U Kha 100 Years Anniversary Memorial Exhibition" in Myanmar.

2017/11/17-11/20 / "Art Square Taipei 2017" in Taiwan.

2016/12/15-18 / "Art Square Taipei 2016" in Taiwan.

2016/7/30-8/5 / "Busan International Design Festival" in Myanmar.

2016/7/4-7/9 / "Busan International Design Festival" in South Korea.


1991年東京都生まれ。CROSS OVER代表、CROSS OVER MANAGEMENT LTD (香港) 取締役、CROSS POINT Alternative Art Space (マレーシア)プロデューサー。グラフィックデザイナー、グラフィックアーティスト。日本大学芸術学部デザイン学科卒業、文化服装学院ファッションテキスタイル科中退。






2016年には日本での展示経験が数えるほどしかないのにも関わらず、台湾最大規模のアートフェアのArt Square Taipeiに自分の作品を出展、また韓国とミャンマーで開催された釜山国際デザイン祭にも作品を出展した。


身の回りの狭い視野や価値観に囚われるのではなく、他の国や地域でも興味を持ってくれる人がいる、今いる所が全てではないことを実感した経験から、日本にいる作家と海外の展示会場を中継をする団体が必要だと感じ、2017年にCROSS OVERを設立。


現在CROSS OVERの800人以上の作家の作品が8カ国以上の展示に出展され、海外の小中規模の展示だけでなく国際アートフェア参加やメディア掲載など活動規模は年々拡大してきており、日本の作家と海外の展示の中継を日々行っている。



2019/11/28-12/1 / "Art Fair East" イギリス、ノリッジ

2018/12/20-23 / "Art Square Taipei 台北國際音響藝術交流博覽会 2018 (CROSS OVER Vol.12)" 台湾、台北

2018/11/13-15 / "Panchi Sayargyi U Kha 100 Years Anniversary Memorial Exhibition" ミャンマー、ヤンゴン

2017/11/17-11/20 / "Art Square Taipei 台北國際音響藝術交流博覽会 2017" 台湾、台北

2016/12/15-18 / "Art Square Taipei 台北國際音響藝術交流博覽会 2016" 台湾、台北

2016/7/30-8/5 / "釜山国際デザイン祭" ミャンマー、ヤンゴン

2016/7/4-7/9 / "釜山国際デザイン祭" 韓国、釜山



⚫︎Managing Director : Yashiro Hiroyuki

⚫︎Email :

⚫︎Address : Rm. 2012, 20/F, Tower 1, The Gateway, 25 Canton Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong  

⚫︎Establish : 27th, Aug, 2017 / Hong Kong Company : 9th, Mar, 2023

⚫︎Business Description : Planning of overseas exhibitions


⚫︎社名 : CROSS OVER MANAGEMENT LTD (Hong Kong) / 跨領域管理有限公司 (香港)

⚫︎取締役 : 屋代 弘之

⚫︎Email :

⚫︎所在地 : 香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道25號港威大廈1期20樓2012室

⚫︎設立 : 2017年8月28日 / 香港法人 : 2023年3月9日

⚫︎事業内容 : 海外展示会の企画